Saturday, December 26, 2009

2010 Business plans

Hello and Happy New Year.

Now that everyone is putting their 2010 business plan together here are some questions that help people stay in business even during a tough economic time like this.
1)What higher purpose besides profit motive do you/your business serve?

2)What do you/your business add to the community/other peoples lives?

3)What common good do you/your business promote?

4)What value do you/your business add to the community at large?

People/businesses that can answer these questions honestly will thrive in any environment, business people that are only in it for a buck are often disappointed/frustrated and short lived.

Here is a challenge for 2010, find a charity in your community, one you have no association with in any way/shape/form and donate either your time or money to said charity. People who lost people to cancer are always donating money to a cancer charity which is a good thing, but also add a charity that is totally outside your radar/sphere if influence and see what happens, it will change your life and you will come to know a life beyond what you already know.

Thank you for your time,
Brian Connelly

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